Increasing engagement.

Design Portfolio

Role: Product Designer
Touchpoint: Website (Responsive)
Project: Self-Initiated (Portfolio)


Engagement rates dipped in the last quarter. Here we set out to uncover potential opportunities using various research methods.


Increase user engagement.
Collect data to inform future decisions.

Research Methods:

  • Survey and click test
  • Observational research
  • Usability tests
Design portfolio (desktop and mobile verions).
Engagement time
website engagement rate

Review the existing experience to uncover opportunities.

Envisioning processes that customers go through to reach their objectives is key to understanding how your users navigate your site.

Increase average engagement by:

  • Reducing the load speed
  • Improve accessibility
  • Simplifying navigation
  • Making more content available
Website review - Round 1
Google reporting sample

Understand how visitors behave, what they need, and how they feel, fast.

Using analytics tools that incorporate both quantitative and qualitative data to give a view of a site’s experience. Methods include heatmaps, recording sessions, and surveys to provide actionable information.

Hotjar Dashboard
62.2% Returning users

A one-second delay in load time can reduce conversion rates by 20%.

(source: Google).

Reduced load times by implementing the following:

  • Super cache (saving users 1317 ms)
  • Lazy load images
  • Defer non-essential JavaScript
  • Optimized CSS & Images

Average load speed reduced by


Average engagement increased by


Accessibility score increased by
