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Terms and conditions

All the Website Standard Terms and Conditions mentioned on this page, shall govern the use of this website, the content within and the product we offer. These terms and conditions are applicable in full force and take control of how you can use this website and our product.

The terms “we”, “us”, “our”, “Collection of pixels” refers to us at Collection of pixels and the products we are offering you. Similarly, terms like “users”, “you”, “your” refer to all our users and visitors surfing the website or using a product.

You must not use this website, if you have any objection to any of the Website Standard Terms and Conditions listed on this page.


By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you accept that you will abide by the following eligibility terms. Moreover, in case if you are a part of a corporation, where the end-users as well as the employees and all the other members of the corporation will be permitted to access the site and license the content and/or the product that is purchased should accept these terms and conditions.

Access: You cannot sell, rent, share or transfer your access to our website.

Acceptable Use: You shall use the product and services in its true form and refrain from any activity which may infringe, disrupt or delay services to the other users. You shall not use the services for any malicious activities such as sending spam, unsolicited messages, harass, stalk or threaten any other person or system. You shall not create any script, software, code or program which may impair, disrupt, diminish or add functionality to the services.

Verifying your Account: When registering for a product or service, Collection of pixels may ask you to verify your identification through various means. If you have registered with an email ID, Collection of pixels may send you a message to the same address that you’ve provided. This message may contain links or a list of information we’ll need to identify you as the sole owner of the email ID.  This is not a public website but a private portfolio, access may be denied at authentication (COP’s discretion).

Securing Your Account

To safeguard our services and confidential information, such as licenses, you are required to secure your account with a strong password.

One Account Per Person

Each individual is permitted to have only one account on our website. Each account is designated for use by a single user. If you are representing an organization and hold an account on its behalf, you may grant access to select employees. However, you will be held responsible for their conduct on our website.

Sharing an Account

Sharing your account details with third parties is strictly prohibited.

Abuse Notification

You are obligated to promptly notify Collection of Pixels if you suspect that your account has been compromised or if unauthorized usage of your account is detected.

Website Services

As of the present date, Collection of Pixels offers the following services. Collection of Pixels reserves the right to add or remove services at its sole discretion without prior notice.


Collection of Pixels may provide updates for the products offered. You have the discretion to implement these updates by updating the files and database on your server.

Knowledge Base

Collection of Pixels will provide manuals, articles, and tutorials to assist you in using the licensed product. While most of these resources are available free of charge, Collection of Pixels reserves the right to charge for additional documents.


Collection of Pixels may occasionally send emails containing updates about our company and products. These emails may include information about recent updates, templates, freebies, promotions, and more. You can opt out of our email newsletters at any time.

A Collection of Pixels