Client HomeViews
Sector Property Services
Role Product Designer
Design System Figma
HomeViews is the first residential review website. Visitors can compare area ratings, browse reviews and leave a review. The goal was to evaluate the site (using a set of heuristics) and disclose a prioritised list of opportunities to guide future development updates.
We tested progressive disclosure (to increase form conversion), addressed privacy concerns upfront, increased coverage through targeted campaigns, diversified property content, and created stories for automating review moderation.
What we delivered
Form Faster – Improved Onboarding
The drop-off rate on forms for Registration and Reviews is very high. We proposed progressive disclosure patterns, improved form validation, and added onscreen guidance to improve form conversion rates.
Addressing Privacy Concerns – Compliance
Many visitors (34%, 50 participants) are reluctant to complete reviews because they are unsure if their location is obfuscated or made public. We proposed addressing privacy concerns on landing pages, tours, and social media posts.
Increase Coverage – Awareness
Many visitors found the website helpful, but coverage was lacking in some areas. Using social media campaigns and advertising, we targeted the areas with the fewest reviews.
Improve Variety of Properties
A high percentage of visitors found the website content biased, favouring new developments. Visitors would like to see a wider variety of property types.
Improved Automation
Review moderation is a time-consuming task with little automation. We explored solutions to increase automation and reduce the time to moderate and publish reviews.
Review, Review!
Testing revealed that the grouping of long-form questions and multiple-choice questions led to skewed feedback—users whizzed through the multiple-choice questions without elaborating on their answers. We explore ways to improve the quality of reviews while reducing the time it takes to complete them.